I am not sure if you are like me but there are nights that my brain just does not have a stop button even though I should be sleeping. Even though my body says I need to rest it can be a constant struggle to sleep, Or I may go to sleep right away and wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back to sleep. I wanted to share the Abide app with you because it helps me tremendously and I hope it does the same for you if you have the same struggle. In the evening times I actually just go to the YouTube version of Abide on my iPad and play the links through there while I have my headphones on before I fall asleep. I also use Abide with our daughter as well and she loves it!
There are many meditation apps & youtube videos that help others as well so if you have any you would like to share with our PresentedLove.Com Community please feel free to do so! If you would like one of the many videos from Abide that help me sleep here is an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5tedWrMLOU&list=RDCMUClSf95kSFthb2NNHle4a7fw&index=2&ab_channel=Abide-SleepMeditations
💗Much Love!
Love Always,